

Today’s word was found by juggling two high school dictionaries until one dropped to the floor. (It didn’t take.long.)

Junto: a group of persons joined for a common purpose.


Today’s word comes from pushing our faithful dictionary off a three foot high wooden stool.

Raffish: marked by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity or crudeness.


Apparently librarians frown upon throwing their dictionaries from, well, anything.  So I will continue using the Houghton Mifflin American Heritage High School Dictionary (3rd Edition, copyright 1993) in my possession until I am allowed back in a library within a 50 mile radius.

This weeks word was found by knocking said dictionary off the top of a 6’4″ faux cherrywood bookshelf:

ad feminam:  appealing to irrelevant personal considerations concerning women



Today’s Word was found by pushing a copy of a Houghton Mifflin American Heritage High School Dictionary (3rd Edition, copyright 1993) off the side of a Cable Nelson piano:

Selenosis – poisoning of livestock, caused by ingesting selenium

One thought on “Word

  1. I get a weekly email from WorldWideWords that includes the origin and usage of a “weird” word or phrase, as well as funny errors of usage from around the world. I think you’d enjoy the site and the weekly email.

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